Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

“I discovered tension in my body that I didn’t even realize was there! For the first time, in a long time I had a chance to pause in a safe space to tune into my body and discover new ways to move from fight or flight to a place of rest.”

— Leeza, MBSR Participant


This fall, Living Water Community Center is thrilled to announce another eight-week MBSR class! MBSR, short for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, is a meticulously researched and evidence-based program crafted to equip participants with effective coping strategies for stress. With a primary emphasis on empowering individuals to navigate stress, anxiety, depression, and physical discomfort, MBSR provides invaluable support for holistic well-being. Developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center by the visionary Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn, MBSR integrates mindfulness meditation, body awareness, yoga, and in-depth exploration of behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and action patterns. Throughout the program, participants not only gain practical tools and strategies for daily life but also immerse themselves in the profound tradition of mindfulness meditation techniques. Recognized globally as the gold standard in mindfulness training, MBSR offers the opportunity to approach life stressors through a new lens. Join us on this 8-week transformative journey guided by Elisa Bennett, a MBSR instructor qualified by the University of San Diego School of Medicine.

Benefits of MBSR

  • Create a self-care plan to manage stress

  • Learn how to be less reactive

  • Improve focus throughout the day

  • Improve interpersonal relationships

  • Practice gratitude

  • Build resilience

  • And more!

Who should take MBSR?

MBSR is beneficial for anyone working with stress management and resilience in their day to day life. It is a wonderful toolbox for parents, educators, medical professionals, military personnel, veterans, HR professionals, emergency personnel, community organizers, yoga and wellness practitioners, teachers, and you!

What to expect from this MBSR class

  • Eight weekly class sessions (Thursdays 09/19-11/07 from 6:30-8:30 pm)

  • 6 Sessions IN PERSON and 2 Sessions ONLINE (10/3 & 10/24)

  • One half-day retreat (Saturday 10/19 from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm)

  • Home practice (six days per week)

  • Access to guided video and audio materials to support your practice as it grows

  • Support from a like-minded community of practitioners

  • Certificate of Completion

    An Overview of the 8 Weeks:

    Week 1:  An Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation

    Week 2:  Presence, Perception Vs Reality

    Week 3:  Awareness and Cultivation of Gratitude (Online)

    Week 4:  Reactivity Vs. Response

    Week 5:  Being with the Difficult

    Week 6:  Mindful Communication (Online)

    Week 7:  Creating a Self Care Plane

    Week 8:  Continuing Your Practice Beyond the Class

“Thank you for an excellent class.  It has been very beneficial for me! ”

— Jon, MBSR Participant

All classes will be held in the YOGA ROOM at Living Water 1000 Westover Hills Blvd Richmond Va 23225

We offer sliding scale options for this program, ensuring accessibility for all. Please consider contributing at the highest rate feasible for you. Your generous support not only sustains our teachers, but also strengthens the Living Water community, supports our dedicated staff, and fosters a nurturing environment for all practitioners.

About the Instructor:

Elisa Maria Bennett, M.A., and certified Yoga instructor (RYT 200), embarked on her mindfulness journey seeking tools to navigate anxiety, sleep disturbances, negative thought patterns, and chronic stress. Enriched by the profound impact of mindfulness on her life, she remains dedicated to the practice, fostering healthier rhythms amidst life's fluctuations.

Residing on the unceded land of The Powhatan in Southside Richmond, Virginia, Elisa brings over a decade of experience as a former university adjunct professor and educator. Currently, she thrives as a software engineer while nurturing her mindfulness practice and sharing MBSR teachings in diverse community settings. Elisa passionately believes in the transformative power of mindfulness to reconnect humanity with the innate wisdom within.

As a Qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher at the University of California San Diego, School of Medicine, and a mindfulness faculty member at The Innerwork Center in Richmond, Virginia, Elisa actively contributes to mindfulness education. Additionally, she serves as a dedicated board member at Living Water, and hosts "Mindful Tuesdays," a weekly session tailored for software engineers

Sliding Scale Pricing

We offer a sliding scale options for this program. Please consider paying at the highest rate that you can afford: your generosity supports making mindfulness accessible to everyone. We also have an Access Fund to allow anyone experiencing financial hardship or on a limited budget to participate. If cost is an issue please reach out to elisabennett804@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you in this course! ❤️

  • $198 - Students

  • $290 - Supported (Discounted Rate)

  • $350 - Full Price

  • $490 - Pay it forward (Supports others, including your own participation)

  • $600 - Pay it forward for 1 participant (Covers the cost for one participant, including your own participation)