Living Water is responsible to more than 40 bee hives around the city. Did you know that bees get more nourishment from flowering trees than from the flowers you see at ground level? It stands to reason, since trees are much larger and offer many, many flowers!
So, to help out our bees and all the city’s bees, we’re spending the morning of March 5th (rain date March 12th) planting native flowering trees to help develop our bee sanctuary. We’ll be planting yellow wood, sourwood, American linden, serviceberry, black cherry, American holly, and American plum, all courtesy of Richmond Tree Stewards.
Volunteers can help put the trees into the earth, or mulch and water after. We’d be grateful for your help! Register ahead at, or just show up! If you register ahead it helps us to have local honey (from our bees!) or small trees ready for you as a thank-you.
We’ll meet outdoors at 1000 Westover Hills Blvd. Feel free to step into yoga at 9 am or 10 am for a break, if you would like!